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Journal of Contemporary Politics


Journal of Contemporary Politics

Year: 2024, Volume: 3, Issue: 2, Pages: 45-55

Original Article

Taliban’s Return to Power in Afghanistan - Key Factors

Received Date:05 September 2024, Accepted Date:25 November 2024, Published Date:06 December 2024


After two decades of conflict with the Taliban, they seized control of Kabul and proclaimed victory. The failure to establish a robust military force with high morale, significant casualties, and the economic toll of war, along with the inability to cut off the Taliban's financial support, USA's missteps in the conflict, corruption and ethnic biases within the Afghan government, the rise of extralegal governing bodies, shifts in the Taliban's military strategies and domestic policies, support from regional nations under the guise of combating ISIS, and USA's policy of appeasement towards the Taliban, all played pivotal roles in the Taliban's resurgence to power. With the international recognition of the Taliban government and continued global assistance to Afghanistan, the prospect of security and relative peace in the country remains viable.


USA, Afghanistan, Taliban, ISIS, International community


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