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Journal of Contemporary Politics


Journal of Contemporary Politics

Year: 2024, Volume: 3, Issue: 3, Pages: 71-81

Original Article

The European Union in Turbulent Times: Brexit, Populism, and Future Challenges

Received Date:27 November 2024, Accepted Date:28 December 2024, Published Date:30 December 2024


The United Kingdom’s 2016 decision to exit the European Union constituted a pivotal moment in European politics, precipitating a surge of uncertainty and contemplation throughout the continent. Brexit represented not merely a political or economic division; it epitomised the escalating impact of right-wing populism, which has subsequently intensified throughout Europe. Nationalist and populist groups are undermining the conventional principles of integration and collaboration, prompting the European Union to confront unparalleled enquiries regarding its unity, stability, and future trajectory. Right-wing populist discourses are explicitly nationalist and are organised to identify another against whom the nation is delineated: the Brexit referendum campaign and the extended history of Euroscepticism in the United Kingdom. The internal and external elements of populist discourses are pertinent in many manners. This article analyses the relationship between Brexit and the ascendance of right-wing populism, investigating the wider ramifications for the EU’s long-term viability, governance, and identity in a swiftly evolving political context.

Keywords: Brexit; Rightwing Populism; European Union; Integration; Euroscepticism


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